Enjoy your shipment in 24/48 hours!

We hope this page can answer the most common questions we have received, in case your question is not here or you do not know how to solve it, you can send it with this form. We are at your disposal on Whatsapp, phone 91 817 09 90 or email info@bresme.com. You can also fill out this form and we will upload a small manual on how to solve it.

If I am already a customer of Bresme, do I need to fill in the form?

Yes, for security reasons we will check the details sent are the same as the ones we have and if in doubt we will call to confirm them.
In any our invoice that shows the customer number, which if you indicate in the form will speed up the process. 

If I am an individual customer, can I order from www.bresme.com?

No, our website is designed only for distributors. In any case, our products are at our customers for individuals. If you send us an email or a message, we will send you the website of a distributor of our products.

How can I register on the website?

The website www.bresme.com is designed for distributors in the world of hardware, gardening and DIY.
To register you just have to fill in the registration form, indicating your VAT number and your invoicing details.
In any invoice of Bresme shows the customer number, which if you indicate us in the form will speed up the process. 

I have lost my password, how can I recover it?

If you have lost your password you can recover it from the LOGIN, following the process that marks "I have lost my password", this will use your email to recover the password. If the email address is not available you need to call us on 0034 91 817 09 90 and customer service will confirm your details and reset your password *** IN ORDER TO MAKE THIS CHANGE YOU MUST BE ABLE TO CONFIRM THAT THE PERSON IS THE ACCOUNT HOLDER***. 

How can I search for products by brand?

Yes, we have over 1,000 brands available on the website, all of which appear a filter on the left hand side of the product list. 

Why can't I buy some products directly from the list? 

In some products there are variants, usually sizes, measures or colours that you can select within that product, so you would need to enter the product and select the variant you want. 

How can I send my order to another address?

Yes, you can manage your usual addresses the area of customer and when confirming the order you can change your usual address for one of them, or write down the address on the order confirmation if it is a one-off delivery.

What payment methods are available?

On the website we have Bizum, card, Paypal and transfer available. You just have to select it at the end of your order and it will take you directly to the payment gateway. 

How can I save items to the cart and order them later?

Yes, in our sector it is usual that many needs appear throughout the day, you can add them to the cart and at the end of the day or whenever you want to send the order. 


How long does a shipment take?

Within the list of products we have more than 12,000 references with 24-48 hours delivery. There are another 30,000 references on the website that have a delivery time of 7 days.  Your order will be sent complete in 24-48 hours if it does not have any references that have a delivery time of 7 days. You will be able to distinguish them because the delivery time of the product is marked on the product page.

How can I check the status of my order?

There is an order section in the area  of customer, which shows the status of your order. If the order has already been sent you can check the status of the order in the Delivery note history tab. In the orders tab, only orders processed on the website will appear, while in the delivery note history tab, orders that have not been processed on the website will also appear.

Is there a way to place orders without having to search for the products? 

Yes, there are different ways to streamline the ordering process. 

How do I change the default unit of measure?

In almost all products you will see a small box by default to place an order (usually 6-12 units), if you do not want to order that amount and want to order less you can change the default amount by entering the product sheet and selecting another one. In some products the unit will not be available and you will only be able to order by boxes, they are usually products that are cheap and small and could be lost or damaged by removing them from the small box.

Where is my order?

From the customer section you can check the status of your order, and once it has been prepared you can check which transport agency it has left through, as well as the carrier's tracking number.

How can I review the invoices and refunds?

Yes, there is a customer section on the website where you can view your orders, delivery notes, invoices and refunds. You can also send them to your e-mail address. 

Is it possible to use the website from my phone?

Yes, the website is completely multi-platform, you can use it from your phone, tablet or laptop, and in this video we will show you a little trick so that you can save it as an application on your Android or Apple mobile wherever you are. 

How can I review the orders I have placed?

Yes, in the area of customer you can see all the orders you have placed, in the tab "Order history", in this tab you will see an icon of an eye, in which you can see the detailed order along with the items. You can send it to yourself by mail, by clicking on the envelope icon or you can copy it to your shopping cart to repeat the order.

What can I do if I need to change any information such as address, phone number...?

In the area of customer you have a section where your details appear and you have the option to change them, you also have a tab with your usual delivery addresses in case you want to add, modify or change them, within them there is always one address marked as default address which is where your orders will be delivered if you do not change it in the order confirmation.

If I am registered in the points programme, how can I review my points?

There is a section for points in the area of customer, where you can see a summary of your points, how you have earned them and how you have spent them.  

Hello! If you have any questions, you can write to us at our WhastsApp number

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Bresme Madrid S.L.
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